Jack Aw
Primary Care, Partner Member

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Jack Aw, Primary Care Partner Member

Dr Jack Aw is one of the Primary Care Partner Members for the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board.

Our people

David Pearson MBEs headshot

David Pearson MBE

ICB Non-Executive Chair

Peter Axons headshot

Peter Axon

ICS/ICB Chief Executive Officer

Megan Nurses headshot

Megan Nurse

Non-Executive Chair of Finance and Performance Committee

Julie Houlders headshot

Julie Houlder

Non-Executive Chair of Audit Committee

Josephine Spencers headshot

Josephine Spencer

Non-Executive Chair of Quality and Safety Committee

Shokat Lals headshot

Shokat Lal

Non-Executive Chair of People, Culture and Organisational Development Committee

Mish Irvine s headshot

Mish Irvine

Chief People Officer

Chris Ibells headshot

Chris Ibell

Chief Digital Officer

Heather Johnstones headshot

Heather Johnstone

Chief Nursing and Therapies Officer

Paul Browns headshot

Paul Brown

Chief Finance Officer

Tracey Shewan s headshot

Tracey Shewan

Director of Corporate Governance

Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBEs headshot

Dr Paul Edmondson-Jones MBE

Chief Medical Officer

Phil Smiths headshot

Phil Smith

Chief Delivery Officer

Jon Rouse CBEs headshot

Jon Rouse CBE

City Director, City of Stoke-on-Trent Council, Partner Member

Dr Jack Aw s headshot

Dr Jack Aw

Primary Care, Partner Member

Neil Carr OBEs headshot

Neil Carr OBE

Chief Executive - Midlands Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust, Physical Health, Partner Member

Buki Adeyemo s headshot

Buki Adeyemo

Chief Executive, North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust, Mental Health, Partner Member

Tracy Bullocks headshot

Tracy Bullock

Chief Executive Officer, University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust, Partner Member

Patrick Flaherty s headshot

Patrick Flaherty

Chief Executive, Staffordshire County Council, Partner Member