Meet the Executive Leadership Team

Meet the Executive Leadership Team

Home » Meet the Executive Leadership Team

16 February 2024

Working with partners, the ICB have agreed on an ambitious vision which is ‘working with you to make Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent the healthiest place to live and work.’ This means, we need to work flexibly – now and in the future – and our structures must enable us to deliver these priorities and to work collaboratively. 

To support this change, ICB staff are in teams that are either:

  • Primarily portfolio focused – working with providers and provider collaboratives to deliver the operating plan and work up transformation or
  • Primarily enablers – working with the system to ensure the ICB is well governed, has a clearly defined strategy and is delivering its plan through good governance, sound stewardship and with the right focus on clinical; safety and a people focus. 

The Executive leads for each portfolio

  • Planned Care and Cancer: Phil Smith
  • Urgent and Emergency Care: Phil Smith
  • Primary Care: Paul Edmondson-Jones
  • End of Life, Long Term Conditions and Frailty: TBC
  • Mental Health, Learning Disabilities, Autism, Down Syndrome and SEND: TBC
  • Population Health, Prevention and Reducing Inequalities: Paul Edmondson-Jones
  • Children and Young People, and Maternity: TBC