Community Mental Health Transformation – North Staffordshire

Community Mental Health Transformation – North Staffordshire

Home » Our work » Mental health » Adult community mental health transformation » Community Mental Health Transformation – North Staffordshire

8 July 2022

“Through the programme’s partnership delivery, our collaborative approach will be to transform local mental health services to ensure they are fully inclusive, accessible and responsive to the needs of local people.

“This programme involves a wide range of key stakeholders throughout Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent, and we look forward to our ongoing collaboration to drive this transformation forward for the benefit of the local population.”

The following partners are working together on the transformation of adult community mental health in North Staffordshire:

  • North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust
  • VAST (on behalf of the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector)
  • NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups
  • GPs
  • Stoke-on-Trent County Council
  • People with lived experience


The following podcasts have been produced providing more information on the transformation taking place in North Staffordshire. You can find individual links to the episodes below:

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

In this podcast we talk to some of the key leads at North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust – about what it means for our local communities and the people we serve.

The Key Areas and Developments of Combined Healthcare’s Involvement in the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme

In the second podcast on the programme, you can find out more about the developments in the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme from some of the key leads at North Staffordshire Combined Healthcare NHS Trust and what the priority areas are at the Trust for this transformation work.

Community Mental Health Transformation Programme – Severe Mental Illness (SMI) Physical Healthchecks

This podcast explores the priority work of serious mental SMI physical healthchecks in North Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent as part of the programme, and speak to some of the key leads for this work.

Digital Transformation

Dave Hewitt, Chief Information Officer, Combined Healthcare and Martyn Perry, Associate Director for IM&T Transformation, MPFT, talk about the Digital Transformation work within the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme.

Population Health/Health Inequalities

The latest work around Population Health and Health Inequalities in the Community Mental Health Transformation Programme.


Find out more about the work of the CASTT team, a pan-Trust service to those service users that are diagnosed with a personality disorder.


In this podcast we find out about co-production, and what that actually means in the transformation programme.

Get in touch

If you have any queries regarding community mental health transformation in North Staffordshire, please email

Further information