Long term conditions strategy

Long term conditions strategy

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18 December 2023

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB is working with partners to develop a strategy to support people living with long term health conditions. 

The purpose of this strategy is to help health care commissioners understand how they can best support people with long term health conditions, to empower people to manage their own conditions and to ensure people know when and where to seek professional help or support.   

To gain a better understanding of how people with long term conditions can be supported, we have created a survey and would like to hear from:  

  • People living with long-term health conditions  
  • Carers or family members who support people with long-term health conditions  
  • NHS staff and health professionals providing services to people living with long term health conditions  
  • Stakeholders who are interested in how long term health conditions can be supported  

Please note, the survey has now closed. This page will be updated with any further progress made to the ICB’s long term conditions strategy.

The University of Southampton research for health and social care professionals

There is an opportunity to get involved with research being conducted by the University of Southampton, who is currently recruiting for two studies to explore views about a new approach to improving health, lifestyle and social care in the UK NHS.    

The research team would like to speak to people living with two or more long-term health conditions or health/social care professionals who are involved in the care of people with long-term health conditions. This includes doctors, nurses, social care workers, people in charity and community organisations and anyone who is a carer for people with two or more long-term health conditions.   

In particular, this study is hoping to reach health and social care professionals for their views.   

The research involves chatting with the team for 30 to 60 minutes. All participants receive a gift voucher to thank them for their time.    

This study has University of Southampton Faculty Ethics Committee (FEC) approval from the Faculty of Medicine and Research Integrity and Governance (RIG) approval. This study is also supported by the Wessex CRN.   

If you’d like to discuss this further or find out more, please email s.z.holt@soton.ac.uk or call 02380599063.