Operational Plan 2023/24

Operational Plan 2023/24

Home » Operational Plan 2023/24

13 July 2023

The development and publication of our Operational Plan for 2023/24 marks another step towards our aspiration of creating an integrated working environment where our focus is on providing the best health and social care for our residents.

The one-year Operational Plan reflects national and system priorities and builds on the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Strategy, the Health and Wellbeing Strategies, wider partner strategies and plans that focus on our local population​.  The Plan forms the first year of the Joint Forward Plan (JFP) and acts as a delivery mechanism for the ICP Strategy.  It will be a working document that we will use throughout the year allowing us to track progress and to hold one another to account.  The Plan does not duplicate actions that are covered within the business plans of NHS providers, local authorities or other partners: instead, it aims to distil the key system level actions that are planned for this year.

The full document sets out our key priorities as a system for 2023/24and how we will measure our success.

The Operational Plan summary has been developed to highlight the key actions from across the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent system.  

Working with all our partners across the system, we want to improve the lives of people living across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent now and in the future. We want to do this while restoring inclusively our services to pre-COVID levels. Eliminating long waits to access services, and reducing unwarranted variation in our services. Alongside this, we will work to embed service changes which have proved beneficial to our people and communities. 

What’s contained in our Operational Plan?

The purpose of the operational plan is to summarise national and system priorities, and how we will deliver them.  

From reading Part 1 of the plan, you will get an overview of:

  • Our System Plan on a page
  • What we will deliver and how
  • Our approach to developing our priorities

In Part 2 you will read about Our Portfolios focus for 2023/24 covering:

  • Urgent and Emergency Care; Planned care including cancer and diagnostics; End of Life, Long-Term Conditions and Frailty; Primary Care; Mental Health, Learning Disabilities and Autism; Children and Young People and Maternity; Improving Population Health

In Part 3 you will read about:

  • The implications for our resources in relation to workforce and finance.

The Annexes outline a series of enablers to delivery which include:

  • Clinical and Professional Leadership
  • Population health
  • Continuing healthcare, personalised care, quality, digital, provider collaborative projects and working with people & communities.
  • More detail on the 31 national objectives we need to deliver

Download the 2023/24 Operational Plan

Download the 2023/24 Operational Plan Summary