Registers and declarations

Registers and declarations

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The NHS is expected to achieve and maintain high standards of probity in the way it conducts its business. These standards include impartiality, objectivity and integrity, and the effective stewardship of public funds.

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB is committed to openness and transparency in its work and decision-making and the effective management of conflicts of interests is an essential element in any working group.

Board Member Register of Interests

Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB  keeps a register of interests for the members of the Integrated Care Board, in order to identify and manage any conflicts of interest that may arise in the course of decision making when undertaking its business. These registers are reviewed regularly and updated as necessary.

Staff and Member Declarations

Members of the public can view our register of staff declarations of interest, in accordance with NHS England guidance on transparency and accountability.

Gifts and Hospitality Register and Sponsorship Register

The ICB is required to maintain one or more registers of gifts, hospitality and sponsorship and must ensure that robust processes are in place to ensure that individuals do not accept gifts or hospitality or other benefits, which might reasonably be seen to compromise their professional judgement or integrity.

Contracts registers

The registers show provider details, their services provided and the contract value. 

Please email any questions to:

For our Contracts register and more information on Contracting and Procurement.