Wheelchair Service

Wheelchair Service

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Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Wheelchair Service

The Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Wheelchair service is for children and adults of all ages, who have a physical and/or degenerative long-term condition and includes the assessment, provision and maintenance of wheelchairs and associated equipment.

AJM Healthcare is the appointed NHS wheelchair service provider for residents currently registered with a GP in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent.

The service will provide you with all NHS wheelchair services, including

  • clinical assessments
  • specialist seating
  • delivery
  • repairs and maintenance
  • collection when the wheelchair is no longer required

The contact details for the wheelchair service are:

Main service centre

Unit J-L Daniel Platts Way

Satellite service centre

Units 8 and 9 Central Park
Progress Drive
WS11 0JF

Tel: 0808 175 3996

Email: ssotwheelchairservice@ajmhealthcare.org

NHS email: AJM.ssotwheelchairservice@nhs.net

If you have any questions regarding the wheelchair service, please refer to the frequently asked questions on our website.

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