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Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Digital Vision 2024


We’re utilising the latest digital technology to deliver new models of health and care across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. By supporting in the transformation of local health and care services, digital has the power to help people to live healthier lives, manage their own health and wellbeing and reduce the demand on local services.

Priorities and projects

  • We’re excited to lead on the introduction of Your Care Connected, a new digital shared care record linking NHS and local government organisations to benefit patients and health and care professionals
  • We want to develop a set of digital standards enabling efficient and equal access to health and care
  • We want to see an improvement in frontline health and care services through the use of innovative apps and digital technologies
  • We are seeking to establish a robust, future proof and state-of-the-art information technology infrastructure
  • We’re developing a Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent informatics network that will share best practice and improve services.

Aims and outcomes

  • We’re working to ensure health and care information is available to health and care professionals as and when they need it, regardless of their location and organisation
  • We want to fully utilise digital technologies so you can manage your own care, including your families, friends and carers
  • We’re working to best use digital technology to improve efficiency and care coordination
  • We want to see a more proactive healthcare management system in place that really works for you.

Dr Paddy Hannigan, Senior Responsible Officer for the Digital Programme provides a brief introduction in the video below:

Digital Road Map

The Digital Road Map has been developed collectively by system CIOs, CCIOs and stakeholders supported by National investment providing PA Consulting resource to support initial drafting and engagement workshops.

The Digital Road Map strategy:

  1. Sets out how and where we prioritise our digital investment across the Integrated Care System.
  2. Seeks to create a culture whereby benefits are realized across the system from digital investments already made.
  3. Aims to provide a system approach for future digital investments, to realise improvements and deliver most benefit for care recipients and providers.
  4. Ensure health and care information is available to health and care professionals as and when they need it, regardless of their location and organisation.
  5. Defines the role of organisations and portfolios in this task, and seeks to empower clinical leaders to find the best clinical models.
  6. Sets a timeframe and process for this work, recognising that the financial outlook is currently very uncertain.

Digital Road Map document

Across our ICS there is a vast number of digital systems and products which are utilised to support and provide care (you may know these by different names depending on your team). We know that staff and system partners want to know more about these systems, what they are there for and what future plans are in place. We hope that this Digital Road Map will provide you with everything you need to know.

  • Digital Road Map aims and objectives
    Digital Road Map aims and objectives
  • Outcomes to deliver improvement
    Outcomes to deliver improvement

    Our digital roadmap will help us to achieve outcomes that will improve the experience of our staff and service users

  • Digital Initiatives
    Digital Initiatives

    Our digital initiatives are aligned with national aims, local needs and our collective ICS goals and ambitions.

  • One Health and Care

    One Health and Care is a shared cared record where different health organisations write important information about your health. It's completely private and safe, and it's made to help doctors, nurses, and other health and care workers who are looking after you make better and safer choices. 

    Find out more on our shared health and care records page.

By 2024, Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent will be nationally recognised as an exemplar of digitally enabled transformation due to the significant impact that technology and culture have had on the quality, effectiveness and cost of health and care delivered.